Greisinger GMH3111 Hand-Held Pressure Measuring Device
Il codice del prodotto: GMH3111
Artikelnummer: 600374
Produttori: Greisinger
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 1088
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Datasheets for Greisinger GMH3111 Hand-Held Pressure Measuring Device
Description for Greisinger GMH3111 Hand-Held Pressure Measuring Device
GMH 3111-Ex Item number: 600380Hand-held pressure measuring device with 1 sensor connection, without sensorHIGHLIGHTS:One device for any measuring range (2,500 mbar ... 1000 bar)Calibrated and fully interchangeable pressure probesSPECIFICATIONS:Max.Display range: -19999 ... +19999 digitMeasuring range:corresponding to used probeOverload:corresponding to used probeResolution:corresponding to used probeAccuracy: (device)± 0.1% FS ± 1 digit (at nominal temperature = 25 ° C)Pressure units:mbar, bar, Pa, kPa, MPa, mmHg, PSI, mH 2 O, can be selectedProbe connection:1 sensor socket6-pin lockable Mini-DIN-socket (s) for GMSD / MSD- sensors. Automatic probe detection and setting of measuring range upon plugging in of probe.Scope of supply:Device, battery, calibration protocol, manual
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