Hydac VD 5 C.0 Differential Pressure Indicators
Il codice del prodotto: VD 5 C.0
Artikelnummer: Art.Nr. 306839
Produttori: Hydac
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Rating Count: 5401
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Datasheets for Hydac VD 5 C.0 Differential Pressure Indicators
Description for Hydac VD 5 C.0 Differential Pressure Indicators
VDDifferential pressure indicators· Max. differential pressure: 420 bar· Versions: optical, electrical, optical/electrical, electronic-analogue· Typical response pressures: 2 / 5 / 8 bar 1.1 GENERAL HYDAC clogging indicators aredesigned to indicate visually and/orelectrically when the filter elementsmust be cleaned or changed. Theoperational safety of a system andefficient utilisation of a filter elementcan only be guaranteed if cloggingindicators are used.Depending on the type of filter,vacuum, return line or differentialpressure clogging indicators are used. 1.2 SEALS NBR (= Perbunan) or V (= Viton)1.3 INSTALLATION Some users install filters withoutclogging indicators and prefer insteadto replace or clean the elementsaccording to a specified time scheduleor according to a set number ofoperating hours. However, thisinvolves some risk.Fitting a clogging indicator has twomain advantages: The operator no longer has to estimatewhen the element is clogged. The unnecessary costs of changingthe element too early are avoided.All standard filters can be fitted witha clogging indicator at any time, bysimply screwing it in.1.4 DESIGNReturn line indicators These are used for return line andsuction filters. In return line filters theyreact to the increasing static pressurebefore the filter element, and in suctionfilters to the decreasing pressure afterthe filter element, which is caused byincreasing contamination. Differential pressure indicators These are used for all inline filtersand react to the increasing pressuredifferential caused by increasingcontamination of the filter element.The simplest installation of thedifferential clogging indicator isvia G ½Inch cavity (according to HYDACworks standard HN 28-22)The differential pressure indicator typeV02 is piped up separately.1.5 SPECIAL INDICATORSMobile indicators These indicators have been developedfor special applications and are fittedwith AMP Junior Power Timer, AMPSuperseal or Deutsch plugs. ATEX indicatorsThese indicators are used inpotentially explosive locations andare subject to the ATEX EquipmentDirective 2014/34/EU and the ATEXOperator Directive 1999/92/EG. UL and CSA indicatorsIndicators which are exported tothe USA and Canada often requireclassification according to current ULand CSA standards. The UL and CSAsymbols are found on many products,particularly in the field of electrical engineering.
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