Koso 310K-7323RB Pneumatic Control Valve


Il codice del prodotto: 310K-7323RB
Artikelnummer: 7300RB
Produttori: Koso
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.6)
Rating Count: 8747

Contattate il nostro team per la marca Koso il codice 310K-7323RB per ulteriori informazioni sul prodotto. Compilate anche un modulo di preventivo online. Ti risponderemo al più presto.

Datasheets for Koso 310K-7323RB Pneumatic Control Valve

Description for Koso 310K-7323RB Pneumatic Control Valve

7300RBMiddle Torque Cylinder2 Piston Rack & Pinion Pneumatic ActuatorOutput Shaft Rotating angle/90° or 60°7300RBType codeDouble Acting typeSpring Return type7317RB7323RB7328RB7337RB7317RB7323RB7328RB7337RBSize170235280375170235280375Output N·mat 500kPa6371712296269872125899952332Air supplyDouble Acting: 300 to 500 KPa, Spring Return: 300, 400, 500 KPaActionDirect Action or Reverse ActionEnvironment temp.Standard type: -20 to +60°, Low temp.service: -50 to +60°, High Temp.service: 0 to +100°OptionsManual handwheel, Limit Switch, Positioner, Air-set, Speed controller, Lock Valve, Lock up Valve, Solenoid Valve etc.

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