Landefeld Push-in fittings, cylindrical thread, standard


Il codice del prodotto: Push-in fittings, cylindrical thread, standard
Produttori: Landefeld
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.9)
Rating Count: 12449

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Datasheets for Landefeld Push-in fittings, cylindrical thread, standard

Description for Landefeld Push-in fittings, cylindrical thread, standard

Description Materials: Body: nickel-plated brass / PA 66, sleeve: PA 66 (M 3: nickel-plated steel / PA66), seal: NBR, holding claws: stainless steel, cartridge: Zinc-plated ZnDC (only silicone-free seals and lubricants are used during assembly) Temperature range: -20°C to +80°C Operating pressure: -0,95 to 20 bar Media: oiled and unoiled compressed air, neutral gases and water (water up to max 60° C may be used only after we have approved the performance specifications). Advantages: •Wide variety of products, •extremely tight due to lip seal, •available with conical, PTFE-coated thread or with cylindrical thread and captive O-ring IQSG M33 IQSG 184 G IQSG 144 G IQSG 386 G IQSG M34 IQSG 186 G IQSG 146 G IQSG 388 G IQSG M53 IQSG 188 G IQSG 148 G IQSG 3810 G IQSG M54 IQSG 1810 G IQSG 1410 G IQSG 3812 G IQSG M56 IQSG 1812 G IQSG 1412 G IQSG 3814 G  

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