OBL XRN Series Hydraulic Diaphragm Pumps


Il codice del prodotto: XRN Series
Produttori: OBL
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.9)
Rating Count: 4904

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Datasheets for OBL XRN Series Hydraulic Diaphragm Pumps

Description for OBL XRN Series Hydraulic Diaphragm Pumps

OVERVIEWThe first compact hydraulic diaphragm pump with integrated safety valve. This solution combines the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of the spring return with the advantages of the hydraulic diaphragm, using an innovative mechanically actuated oil replenishing system, representing the ideal solution also for process applications. The very small dimensions and the integration of a safety valve contribute to reducing the costs of construction and operation of the installation and to increase its intrinsic safety.SPECIFICATIONSFlow rate from 0,6 to 105 l/h (0,13 to 23 gph)Working pressure up to 40 barg or 580 psiCataphoresis coated aluminum enclosure for greater corrosion resistanceAISI 316, PVC, PVDF liquid endManual stroke length adjustment, electronic actuator availableLow energy consumption (0,18 kW – 0,24hp motor)Reduced footprint (180 x 250mm – 7” x 10”) and weight (15Kgs – 33 lbs)

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