Sed KMA 905 Manual Valve
Il codice del prodotto: KMA 905
Produttori: Sed
Confirmed Rating:
☆ (3.6)
Rating Count: 11620
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Datasheets for Sed KMA 905 Manual Valve
Description for Sed KMA 905 Manual Valve
Manual Valve DN 15 - 50 mm (3/4Inch - 2Inch)Stainless steel bonnet and plastic hand wheelFEATURESRising hand wheel with optical indicator and stroke indicatorSealed bonnetInternal travel stopLocking deviceCDSA sealing concept, see page 30Flexible diaphragm suspensionEncapsulated diaphragmOPTIONALAdjustable internal stroke limiterU-Lock for hand wheelAssembly of proximity switchesAutoclavable
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