Seim PB Series 3 Screw Pumps
Il codice del prodotto: PB Series
Produttori: Seim
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Rating Count: 7595
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Datasheets for Seim PB Series 3 Screw Pumps
Description for Seim PB Series 3 Screw Pumps
Design available STANDARD SEIM - ABS Type Approval - BV MODE II - RINA alternative testing - CCS Type Approval, DNV-GL Approval Certification Flow Rate USGPM 11 Suction pressure from -0.5 to 10 bar (-8 to 146 psi) * Seal Mechanical Bearing Radial ball Bearing lubrication Self-lubricated Safety valve Internal recirculation OPERATING CONDITIONS Fluids: Fuels (HFO, LFO,MGO,DO,LSMGO); Mineral and synthetic lubricating oil Solid content: ask SEIM for details Speed: 750 to 3600 rpm * Rotation (shaft view): Clockwise CW INSTALLATION DATA Installation: Indoor or Outdoor Environment: Marine MATERIALS Body/Flange: GJS400-15 EN16842 (GGG40) * O-rings: Viton ® N.A. Painting: On request
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