Servomech BSA 28 Mechanical Linear Actuator
Il codice del prodotto: BSA 28
Produttori: Servomech
Confirmed Rating:
Rating Count: 12098
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Datasheets for Servomech BSA 28 Mechanical Linear Actuator
Description for Servomech BSA 28 Mechanical Linear Actuator
BSA Series ball screw drive linear actuators:11 standard sizes availableBall screw from Ø 14 mm to Ø 120 mmLinear speed from 2,3 mm/s to 100 mm/sLoad capacity from 4 kN to 600 kNStandard stroke length up to 1.000 mm, special stroke length also available upon requestPerformances with Duty Cycle Fi = 1000 % over 10 min at ambient temperature 25 °C
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