제품 번호: C9900-G035
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☆☆ (2.3)
Rating Count: 8351
온라인 견적 양식을 작성하거나 라이브 지원팀에 연락하여 다음과 같이 문의할 수 있습니다. BECKHOFF 브랜드, C9900-G035 제품입니다. 최대한 빠른 시일 내에 연락드리겠습니다.
Datasheets for BECKHOFF C9900-G035
Description for BECKHOFF C9900-G035
The optional C990-G0xx push-button extensions for the Control Panels CP2xxx and CP39xx from Beckhoff Automation provide additional input options. Push-button extensions that match the design of the Control Panels enable application-specific use of electromechanical buttons. Selection and key switches can also be integrated. The push-button extension is located below the touchscreen. The number of buttons that can be added depends on the display size. The actuation of the emergency stop and other buttons is transferred to the controller via USB and can be read with TwinCAT. Optionally, customers may use the signals for additional purposes. The emergency stop has two N/C contacts and one N/O contact. The signal of the N/O contact is transferred to the controller. The two N/C contacts can be used by the customer. One button actuates two N/O contacts, one of which is available as a potential-free contact for use by the customer. The indicator lamps are controlled via USB.
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