Gestra ORGS11-2
제품 번호: ORGS11-2
프로듀서: Gestra
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Datasheets for Gestra ORGS11-2
Description for Gestra ORGS11-2
Description Use oil detector & alarm ORGS 112 only for signalling ingress of oil in cooling water systems. Function The oil detector & alarm ORGS 112 is an equipment unit consisting of the measuring electrode ORGS 11-1 and a measuring pot. The measuring electrode ORGS 11-1 is a compact-type system that comprises the measuring electrode and an elec tronic module integrated in the terminal box. The electrode operation is based on the conductive measuring principle us ing the electrical conductivity of the water for signalling water level. The electronic module detects whether the electrode rods are submerged or exposed and, in the event of ingress of oil, energises the output contacts. A water sample, taken from the cooling water system down stream of the location at the highest point where ingress of oil might occur, is fed from below into the measuring pot of the ORGS 11-2. If the water is contaminated with oil, the oil droplets - due to their lower density - ascend and accumulate on top of the water and, consequently, the electrode rods are now submerged in this oil film.
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