Koso A217-C12A Main Steam Bypass item 5 Diffuser
제품 번호: A217-C12A
프로듀서: Koso
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Rating Count: 4017
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Datasheets for Koso A217-C12A Main Steam Bypass item 5 Diffuser
Description for Koso A217-C12A Main Steam Bypass item 5 Diffuser
Applications: • HP to cold reheat • HRH (Hot Reheat) to condenser, also known as: - IP/ LP bypass to condenser - LP bypass to condenser • HP to condenser Purpose: Turbine bypass systems increase the flexibility in operation of steam power plants. They assist in faster start-ups and shutdowns without incurring significant damage to critical and expensive components in the steam circuit due to thermal transients. In some boiler designs, turbine bypass systems are also used for safety function
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