VISHAY BLH EconoMount Load Cell Weigh Modules


Номер продукта: EconoMount
Продюсер: VISHAY BLH
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.2)
Rating Count: 6461

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Datasheets for VISHAY BLH EconoMount Load Cell Weigh Modules

Description for VISHAY BLH EconoMount Load Cell Weigh Modules

BLH EconoMount Weigh Modules are well suited for general industrial applications that require retrofitting an existing structure or hopper into a scale. The EconoMount System uses a stainless steel beam transducer coupled with fixed, full-floating, or semi-floating mounting hardware. The combination of all three types, under a structure, results in a checkless system that also can accommodate moderate degrees of thermal expansion and contraction. EconoMount units come in standard capacity ranges of 500, 1.25K, 2.5K, 5K, and 10K pounds with either painted alloy (standard) or stainless steel (optional) mounting hardware. Load beam sealing meets NEMA 4 and IP67 requirements. EconoMount 1.25K through 10K pound modules are NTEP Certified for Class lII and IIIL scale systems.

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