SICK 2056812 type: BEF-DS00XFX Flange

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Product number 2056812
Producer SICK

Description: 2056812 ( SICK )

SICK 2056812 type: BEF-DS00XFX Flange

Product Name: SICK 2056812 type: BEF-DS00XFX Flange
Product Brand: SICK
Product Code: 2056812
Product Artikel: SICK 2056812 type: BEF-DS00XFX Flange
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Accessory group Flanges Accessory family Flange plates Description Standard stator coupling CLASSIFICATIONS ECl@ss 5.0 27279202 ECl@ss 5.1.4 27279202 ECl@ss 6.0 27279202 ECl@ss 6.2 27279202 ECl@ss 7.0 27279202 ECl@ss 8.0 27279202 ECl@ss 8.1 27279202 ECl@ss 9.0 27273701 ECl@ss 10.0 27273701 ECl@ss 11.0 27273701 ETIM 5.0 EC002615 ETIM 6.0 EC002615 UNSPSC 16.0901 32131023

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