Product Name: AEP CBS Load Cell Product Brand: AEP Product Code: CBS Product Artikel: CBS
Load cell for the measurement of static and dynamic loads in COMPRESSION . Nominal Load from 250 kg to 100 tons Combined Error: 0,03% Output: 2mV/V LOW COST version produced for over 30 years Low profile load cell suitable to work in hostile environments. High mechanical resistance Completely made of stainless steel Completely LASER welded Degree of protection IP68 Long term stability On request ATEX certificate (Zones 1 and 21) GAS and DUST CCBS82250K5 250 kg CCBS82500K5 500 kg
CCBS821T5 1 t CCBS822T55 2.5 t
CCBS825T5 5 t CCBS827T55 7.5 t
CCBS8210T5 10 t CCBS10015T5 15 t CCBS12620T5 20 t CCBS12630T5 30 t CCBS16550T5 50 t CCBS16575T5 75 t CCBS165100T5 100 t
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