Bollfilter 5421473

使用产品代码 5421473 访问产品#Bollfilter 的库存,交货和价格信息。 Bollfilter, 5421473, Bollfilter 5421473
产品编号 5421473
生产厂家 Bollfilter

Description: 5421473 ( Bollfilter )

Bollfilter 5421473

Product Name: Bollfilter 5421473
Product Brand: Bollfilter
Product Code: 5421473
Product Artikel: Bollfilter 5421473
Whether for industrial water filters, oil filters or gas filters: Filter elements are the heart of every BOLLFILTER and are individually adapted to our customers' various fields of application. By using the most suitable type of fabric, the protective function of the filter is guaranteed at all times and the defined solid particles are safely retained. 

Bollfilter 5421473

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