Burkert 8051 - Full bore magmeter for low flow volumes
产品编号: 8051
生产厂家: Burkert
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Rating Count: 10537
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Datasheets for Burkert 8051 - Full bore magmeter for low flow volumes
Description for Burkert 8051 - Full bore magmeter for low flow volumes
The complete full bore magflowmeter Type 8051, which consists of a magnetic sensor Type S051 (in compact or remote version) connected to a transmitter Type SE56 (without display in compact version or with display in compact or remote version), is designed for applications with liquids with a minimum conductivity of 5 μS/cm. Combined with a valve as the actuating element, the complete full bore magflowmeter Type 8051 can control high-precision dosing and filling operations.Combination of sensor Type S051 and transmitter Type SE56Continuous measurement or Batch ControlClean in place (CIP)Low-flow measurements on from 3 l/h
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