Burkert 8905 - Online Analysis System
产品编号: 8905
生产厂家: Burkert
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Rating Count: 2422
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Datasheets for Burkert 8905 - Online Analysis System
Description for Burkert 8905 - Online Analysis System
Type 8905 Online Analysis System is a compact and modular system for monitoring all important water parameters on one platform. The Type 8905 is a multichannel multifunction unit for the Bürkert sensor cubes and electronic modules from the EDIP platform. The efficient device integration platform (EDIP) allows the high flexibility by using modularity in the hardware as well as in the software of the system. The 8905 is the device for continuous analysis of the most important water parameters: - pH - chlorine/chlorine dioxide - conductivity - ORP - turbidity - temperature This modularity allows the measuring system to be assembled according to customer requirements and enables simple installation/configuration, operation and maintenance. For maintenance, sensors can be removed without tools, while the remaining sensors continue to measure. The sensors are operated via an integrated 7Inch touch display or Bürkert Communicator. In addition to the display and storage of analysis parameters, further features such as - Programming of simple control algorithms using f(x) - Interventions in the process via analog and digital inputs and outputs - Performing sensor calibrations can be done. Type 8905 is available as a compact system in one housing. Please contact your Bürkert sales center for custom system configurations.For analysis applications for drinking water and fresh water in industrial processesModular sensor and electronic system: - up to 6 measurements in one housing - up to 30 analysis sensor cubes in one büS systemPrepared for fielbus connectivity, remote operation and remote maintenanceMEMS technologies allows minimal footprint and minimum sample water demand
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