Douglas DAA F6 Thermodynamic Steam Traps

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产品编号 DAA F6
生产厂家 Douglas

Description: DAA F6 ( Douglas )

Douglas DAA F6 Thermodynamic Steam Traps

Product Name: Douglas DAA F6 Thermodynamic Steam Traps
Product Brand: Douglas
Product Code: DAA F6
Product Artikel: Douglas DAA F6 Thermodynamic Steam Traps
This type of trap uses steam dynamic energy to close the discharge orifice. A disc closes both the inlet and outlet orifice. Condensate can lift the disc and be discharge , but when steam is formed its dynamic energy will create a low pressure area ( Bernulli Law ) under the disc which draws it towards the seat. Reduced dimension and wheigt simple and reliable. It discharges air. It withstands waterhammer. Condensate discharge is intermittent. Some loss of live steam. APPLICATIONS  Ironing machines  Steam mains  Tracing lines  Turbines  Marine applications  Presses

Douglas DA Thermodynamic Steam Traps

Douglas DAA F6 Thermodynamic Steam Traps

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