Dynisco ATC880-0-3-3 Process Controller


产品编号: ATC880-0-3-3 Process Controller
生产厂家: Dynisco
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.1)
Rating Count: 9107

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Datasheets for Dynisco ATC880-0-3-3 Process Controller

Description for Dynisco ATC880-0-3-3 Process Controller

·         Auto-tuning control in a discrete 1/4 DIN package·         Display and control differential pressure is available  ·         Easily configure locally or remotely by optional Modbus without jumpers·         Two assignable alarms, third alarm optional  ·         Bright, dual 5-digit LCD with bar graph display·         Digital security to prevent unauthorized use·         IP65/NEMA 4X rated for harsh environments   The ATC880 is a compact 1/4 DIN auto-tuning process controller that employs an acclaimed PID algorithm. The ATC880 is a cost-effective way to control a single process parameter, such as for a plastics extruder. Reliably auto-tune and alarm on strain gage, DC voltage or current inputs. The ATC880 can also control differential pressure when an optional secondary strain gage input is used. The bright 5-digit LED is accompanied by a helpful, quick view 35-segment analog bar graph. Other useful display information includes alarm set points, peak values, error conditions, and engineering unit beacons. The ATC880 is easily field-configured or programmed remotely via optional Modbus/ Jbus without annoying mechanical jumpers. An optional 24Vdc input supply is also available.

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