Foxboro 43AP-FA42C Pneumatic Indicating Controller

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产品编号 43AP-FA42C
生产厂家 Foxboro

Description: 43AP-FA42C ( Foxboro )

Foxboro 43AP-FA42C Pneumatic Indicating Controller

Product Name: Foxboro 43AP-FA42C Pneumatic Indicating Controller
Product Brand: Foxboro
Product Code: 43AP-FA42C
Product Artikel: Foxboro 43AP-FA42C Pneumatic Indicating Controller
Base Model: 43AP-FA42C PSS Reference: 3-1B3 A Aux. Spec.: IAS-A PB-AM CERT-E MTS 43AP FUNCTION: Continuously Indicates And Controls Pressure, Vacuum, Temperature, And Flow Using Directly Connected Measuring Elements. F MOUNTING: Field; For 2-Inch (50 mm) Vertical Pipe A4 CONTROL: Proportional 4 To 400% Plus Integral (Reset) 0.01 To 50 Minutes Per Repeat 2 OUTPUT SIGNAL AND GAUGE: 3 To 15 psi Signal, 30 psi Gauge C AUTOMATIC/MANUAL INTERNAL TRANSFER SWITCHING: Bumpless With 2-Position Switch, Balance Gauge, And Regulator OPTIONAL FEATURE(S) INCLUDED: AUX. SPEC.: IAS-A - Air Supply Set Air Supply Set - Integrally Mounted Adjustable Regulator And 30 psi Gauge. AUX. SPEC.: PB-AM - K-Monel Helical Element, Pressure Measurement, K-Monel Helical. AUX. SPEC.: CERT-E - Calibration Certificate The certificate shows calibration data for the instrument along with statement that calibration test equipment used is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST was formerly called the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). AUX. SPEC.: MTS - Supplemental Instrument Tag Supplemental Instrument Tag, 3.4 x 1.5 Inch (90 x 40 mm) Stainless Steel Fastened To Instrument With A Stainless Steel Wire. Markings Can Be Up To 10 Lines, 40 Characters Or Spaces Per Line. 1 Calibrated Range 0-450psig Scale Range 0-450psig

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