Gestra MK 35/31 3/8


产品编号: MK 35/31 3/8
生产厂家: Gestra
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (3.5)
Rating Count: 4386

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Datasheets for Gestra MK 35/31 3/8

Description for Gestra MK 35/31 3/8

Description Thermostatic steam trap with membrane regulator. Corrosion-resistant thermostatic capsule unaffected by waterhammer. Integral strainer. Asbestos-free cover gasket (graphite/CrNi). Installation in any position. The traps with standard capsule “N” discharge the condensate with virtually no banking-up, the traps with special capsule “U” with an undercooling of approx. 30 K (degC). MK 35/31 with tandem seat In particular for low condensate flowrates. Optionally either with standard capsule “5 N 1” or undercooling capsule “5 U 1”. MK 35/32 with single seat For larger condensate flowrates. Optionally either with standard capsule “5 N 2” or undercooling capsule “5 U 2”.Capacity Charts The charts show the maximum capacities for hot and cold condensate. Curve 1 Curve 1 indicates the max. capacity of hot condensate that the traps with “N” capsule can discharge at a condensate temperature of approx. 10 K (degC) below saturation temperature (virtually no banking-up), and the traps with “U” (undercooling) capsule when the condensate is approx. 30 K (degC) below the saturated steam temperature. Curve 2 Curve 2 shows the max. capacity of cold condensate that the traps can discharge (condensate temperature 20 °C).

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