产品编号: EV1M3-12/24
生产厂家: Hawe
Confirmed Rating:
☆ (3.9)
Rating Count: 4876
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Datasheets for Hawe EV1M3-12/24 SCHEDA ELETTRONICA
Description for Hawe EV1M3-12/24 SCHEDA ELETTRONICA
Product descriptionProportional amplifiers actuate proportional solenoid valves by converting an input signal into a corresponding control current.The proportional amplifier type EV is available as a module for top-hat rail mounting or, alternatively, as a card for a card holder. Highly precise functions are possible thanks to the feedback measurement at the valve outputs.The amplifier module EV1M3 can be mounted on a 32 mm or 35 mm top-hat rail by using an additional card holder.Thanks to the excellent control accuracy and highly precise feedback measurement, even challenging hydraulic applications can easily be realised.A multi-turn potentiometer is used to configure the valve parameters such as the base and maximum current, dither and ramps.The control parameters (Imin, Imax, dither, ramp times) are configured using either pushbuttons or a potentiometer.Features and benefits:Compact designEasy commissioningFunctions tailored to HAWE productsIntended applications:For controlling proportional valvesSwitch cabinet installation in an industrial environment
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