Lamtec KLC2002 Wide Band Flame Sensor
产品编号: KLC2002
生产厂家: Lamtec
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Rating Count: 13073
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Datasheets for Lamtec KLC2002 Wide Band Flame Sensor
Description for Lamtec KLC2002 Wide Band Flame Sensor
Input Data Power supply KLC20: 120 VAC -15/+10% 50-60 Hz KLC2002: 230/240 VAC -15/+10% 50-60 Hz Current consumption 3 - 4 mA Optical Evaluation Spectral range Design with optical filter 380 - 830 nm: 380 - 1150 nm Sensitivity max. 920 nm Tolerable flame signal dips: 280 ms Fading of the parasitic frequency: >35 Hz (option) Dimensions Weight 0,029 kg (1.02 oz) Connecting cable length 1 m (3.3 ft) Mounting position any
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