MOOG D691-072D Valve
产品编号: D691-072D Valve
生产厂家: MOOG
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Rating Count: 1995
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Datasheets for MOOG D691-072D Valve
Description for MOOG D691-072D Valve
D691 SERIES SERVO-PROPORTIONAL VALVESThe D691 servo-proportional control PQ-Valves are dual function valves for 2x2-, 3-, 4- and 5-way applications. The PQ-Valves modulate a fluid flow and control closed loop pressure (upper or lower pressure limit) control.The valves are suitable for pressure control and pressure limiting applications.The control electronics for the spool position transducer, pressure loops and pressure transducer are integrated in the valve. Moog created the first closed loop PQ valve nearly 15 years ago. Since then, Moog has produced more than 30,000 PQ-Valves.Applications include injection molding, heavy industry, presses and paper processing.The valves have proved to be extremely reliable, especially when high dynamic performance is required.
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