Revere SHBXR-200KG-C3-SC Single-Ended Load Beam


产品编号: SHBXR-200KG-C3-SC
生产厂家: Revere
Confirmed Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆ (4.1)
Rating Count: 14127

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Datasheets for Revere SHBXR-200KG-C3-SC Single-Ended Load Beam

Description for Revere SHBXR-200KG-C3-SC Single-Ended Load Beam

• Capacities: 500 kg, 1T, 2T, and 5T• Low profile, stainless steel construction• Hermetically sealed, IP66 and IP68• Certified to OIML R60, 6000d• 1000 Ohm bridge impedance• Current calibration output (SC) ensures easy andaccurate connection of multiple load cells• Integral mounting step• Optional❍❍ATEX versions are available for use in potentiallyexplosive atmospheres, caused by gas or dust

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